Little River Open House - Wednesday, August 7, at 6:30 pm.
Little River Community School has an Open House on Wednesday, August 7, at 6:30 pm. Child-care and refreshments will be provided. There will be an informal discussion about the program and the school's philosophy and time for questions and answers.
Little River is a K-12 democratic school with a cooperative, multi-age learning environment and an 8:1 student-teacher ratio. The school features hands-on experience, field trips, strong academic classes, and student input.
Tuition aid, up to one-half of the full price, is available to lower and middle-income families. Busing within a 15-mile radius is provided by the local school district.
Little River is located five miles south of Canton on the Canton-Russell Road, 1227 County Route 25. Please join us for our Open House and bring your children.